Sunday, July 15, 2012


Everyone has heard that you have to Love yourself before you can accept that someone else loves you. 
We tend to attract people that are just like us. For instance, you meet someone and you automatically like the person. Most times, it's because the person possesses  qualities that are similar to yours or you are attracted to the qualities that they posses and you want that for yourself.  You want that for yourself because you want to make up for what you dont have. That right there is self love.

Each of us has a unique belief system,  a way of seeing the world that is slightly different from everyone else's. It's almost like our ego has a fingerprint. What turns us on, what turns us off. What we feel is important.  However, we still attract people that are just like us. 

If you like yourself, you will like the people you naturally meet and they will like you too. You dont have to go out of your way or even bother to make an effort. 

If you want to like yourself, one way to do it is to realize that you are the perfect you anyone could be. No one else can do the things you do quite like you.  No one has precisely your talents, ambitions or lack there of. No one makes mistakes the same way you do. At being you, for all your faults and weaknesses you will get an A +. It's okay to be the way you are, because the way you are is the way you are. 

(I always believe that surrounding yourself with the right people makes you love yourself even more. Makes you want to be a better person. You can never go wrong with positive/similar energy)